We value long-term relationships, honour our commitments, stay true & honest in our dealings, take ownership & act with integrity.
We stay committed to our values & purpose, do the right thing without fear or favour, take bold initiatives & calculated risks, acknowledge mistakes & learn from them.
We prioritize & protect our stakeholder's interests, be sensitive & responsive, engage & empower our teams, associates & clients, provide clear & timely communication.
We focus on what matters, make quick decisions, communicate directly, reduce clutter & remove, what is not necessary.
Sequel Logistics will at all times respect the fundamental human rights and the dignity of the individual. Sequel believes that all its employees must live with social and economic dignity and freedom, regardless of nationality, gender, race, economic status or religion.
Sequel continues worldwide commitment to restrict employment to those of age 18 or older, or the local minimum employment age, or the mandatory school age, whichever is higher. Our policy also includes an explicit ban on the use of any forced labour or exploitative working conditions.
Sequel Logistics will not use Forced labour (including bonded, indentured or prison labour), nor restrict the freedom of movement of Employees. Sequel Logistics will not require any form of deposit, recruitment fee, or equipment advance from employees either directly or through recruitment agencies.
Sequel Logistics will not prevent employees from associating freely, where laws prohibit these freedoms, the organization will support parallel means for independent and free association and bargaining.
Sequel Logistics is committed to providing a work environment free of discrimination and/or harassment. The organization ensures that everyone to work and develop in an environment that is respectful and productive. Sequel Logistics is an equal opportunity employer. The organization will not discriminate and will take affirmative action measures to ensure a work environment free of discrimination.
Sequel Logistics recognizes employees as its most important asset and is committed to a safe and healthy work environment impacting those working on, visiting or living near the company's facilities. Sequel Logistics aims at to prevent occupational injuries and ill Health to any employee, contractor, service provider or visitor.
Sequel Logistics is committed to providing equal employment opportunities to all applicants and employees and prohibits all forms of harassment and discrimination because of race, colour, religion, sex, gender, gender identity, national origin, ancestry, age, sexual orientation, veteran status, pregnancy, physical and mental disability, genetic information or any other bases protected by federal, state, or local law.
The Company also believes that the employees of the organization have the right to be treated with dignity. Sexual harassment at the workplace or other than workplace if involving employees is a grave offence and is, therefore, punishable.
Obligations to employees under applicable law relating to labour or social security arising from the regular employment relationship will not be avoided through the use of labour-only contracting, sub-contracting, or home-working arrangements; or through apprenticeship schemes where there is no real intent to impart skills or provide regular employment; or through the excessive use of fixed-term contracts of employment. Company will maintain appropriate employee records, wage records, payments as well as working hours, for all staff employed, whether on a full time, part time or seasonal basis.
Sequel Logistics will apply normal working hours that comply with applicable Law, where no specific laws and regulations exist, working hours will not exceed, on a regular basis in accordance with land of law convention.
Sequel Logistics will pay all employees a wage plus associated statutory benefit or the prevailing industry standards.
Any employee who has a concern related to his rights being deprived of or any issues with his general employment terms can approach the discipline and grievance committee to get it resolved.
Sequel encourages employees to bring questions and concerns to our attention. Sequel will give careful consideration to each item in our continuing effort to improve our operations.
Sequel Logistics prohibits Bribery in all business practices and transactions that are carried out by them, or on their behalf by business partners. Sequel will not offer, accept or countenance any payments, gifts in kind, hospitality, expenses or promises as such that may compromise the principles of fair competition or constitute an attempt to obtain or retain business for or with, or direct business to, any person; to influence the course of the business or governmental decision making process.
Sequel Logistics will not tolerate retaliation against any employee because he or she made a good faith complaint about prohibited harassment or discrimination; has opposed conduct that he or she reasonably believes constitutes prohibited harassment or discrimination; or has cooperated in an investigation, proceeding or hearing about possible prohibited harassment or discrimination.
It is recognized that the exchange of gifts with people with whom we transact business, is considered acceptable in all cultures. While it is understood that gifts are a part of normal social exchange, gifting may lead to obtaining or providing favours which is unacceptable and therefore prohibited, all gifts received and given will be governed by the Gifting Policy.
Sequel Logistics has a core set of values which are fundamental to the organization’s development and success. One of these values is Integrity which means that we can always be trusted to do the right thing. The Ethics Code sets out how we expect all our employees to behave in order to live this core value.
Sequel Logistics operates according to the principles of "know your customer" so as to establish the identity of all organizations with which they deal, have a clear understanding of their business relationships and have a reasonable ability to identify and react to transaction patterns appearing out of the ordinary or suspicious.
Sequel Logistics is aware of and complies with all applicable laws.
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